Five Myths About Studying!

Today, Many students have a wrong perception about learning.As they believe in these myths, they develop a bad habit gradually, which therefore results in barrier to their academic success.These are some of the common myths amongst all the youngsters studying in college.

Myth 1 : Studying for a extended amount of your time can lead to higher grades.

Many students have a misconception that if they go on studying for hours it will bring them success.But it's not so.It's not the quantity that matters.Quality plays a vital role in achieving success.Even, if a student studies for several hours without concentrating he can't score well in his/her exams.

Myth 2 : Everyone can follow the same way to study.

Everyone has a different mindset, so they have to discover the style which best suits them.This depends on how fast an individual can grasp things, how much time does he gets to study, what study material he is using,Trial and error method should be adopted to find out the best studying technique.

Myth 3 : Knowing the course material is enough.

Many students think that just knowing the course material is enough but many courses are designed in such a way that they need a much deeper thinking and practical knowledge of the subject.

Myth 4 : Studying just the night before the exam will retain for a longer time.

Going through the material regularly will help to retain the information for a longer period of time.Studying regularly is much more preferable than stuffing your mind just a night before the exam.

Myth 5 : Writing has a minute impact on learning.

Research indicates that writing more, including the running notes, class notes, etc. have a positive impact on your retaining power.

About Author:

Love Sharma a.k.a Ashu Tosh is the founder of iFaltu. He is a Tech Geek and a Passionate Singer. He is a passionate blogger who enjoys writing articles on Humour, Technology, and Bollywood.

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